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FED 記者會 Jerome Powell 摘要

以下為 Jerome Powell 今日於 FED 記者會說話內容摘要

“If you look at P/Es they’re historically high, but in a world where the risk-free rate is going to be low for a sustained period, the equity premium, which is really the reward you get for taking equity risk, would be what you’d look at,”

“Admittedly P/Es are high but that’s maybe not as relevant in a world where we think the 10-year Treasury is going to be lower than it’s been historically from a return perspective,”

“Your interest payments are low. Defaults and downgrades have declined since earlier in the year.”

“Asset prices are a little high in that metric in my view, but overall you have a mixed picture. You don’t have a lot of red flags on that.”

– 單看 P/E 確實在歷史高點,但在一個無風險利率要維持低檔的一段時間的世界裡,你現在看到的東西就叫風險溢酬。

– 十年期國債收益在歷史低點,高 P/E 現象可能不太重要。

– 違約和降評都比今年稍早來得少。

– 資產價格偏高,信號混雜,並沒有太多危險訊號。



再來用 P/E 當成關鍵指標其實在科技股飛天的時代我覺得沒有太大的意義,因為一大堆沒有 E (earnings)。甚至現在用 P/S 都難以去定義一些個股,自從 ZM 和 SNOW 這種暴力成長股把 P/S 也玩壞掉了。價值來自於市場的共識,反正嫌貴就別買保安康,機會永遠有。

一直罵科技股炒作,可是就是一直漲又奈他何?如果很怕科技股的,你大可以去挑價值型 ETF 如 VTV、VBR,沒有什麼絕對對錯反正都是來賺錢的。

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